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Welcome to our Westside Los Angeles Sober Living Home.

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Welcome to Westside LA Sober Living Home in Los Angeles, CA

Our sober living home in Westside, LA provides young individuals with many resources for addiction recovery. The most significant aspect is the community of other sober young men who live at home. Our thriving addiction recovery community welcomes both residents ​and graduates alike.

Residents also attend daily 12-step meetings in Westside, LA and surrounding cities, which helps them expand their sober social support system. Our central location in Westside, LA makes it convenient for residents to have access to psychiatric therapy and medical appointments, as residents often need these services and resources.

Our West Los Angeles Sober Living Home

We are proud to provide a sober living atmosphere for young men making their way out of addiction. Our Westside, LA location is the perfect place to call home while you continue your lifelong journey of recovery.

Our Mission at Westside, LA Sober Living Home

Design for Recovery offers young men with substance use disorders a structured, 12-step-based program that helps them stop using drugs and alcohol for the long haul. Our program emphasizes the principles of honesty, integrity, responsibility, accountability, and service. We understand that recovering from an addiction is about more just becoming physically abstinent.

Addiction affects every aspect of a person’s life. As such, recovering from addiction entails rebuilding a person’s life from the ground up. Residents at our Westside, LA sober living home work hard to examine the underlying causes of their addictions, develop new life skills, and change behaviors that no longer work. Learning to live a principled life in harmony with others not only allows residents to find joy in sobriety, it significantly decreases the chances of relapse.

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What Does It Feel Like to Live in Westside, LA Sober Living House?

Many residents come to Design for Recovery after enduring difficult living conditions. In many ways, our Westside, LA home can feel like a luxury retreat. However, residents quickly understand that addiction recovery is not a free vacation. They take full responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of their home, following a regular chore and cleaning schedule. The idea behind sober living homes is to provide structure and a safe environment where residents learn the importance of accountability while they recover.

Although taking responsibility for their own living arrangements might first seem like a burden, residents quickly gain an appreciation for how it makes them feel. Making their home clean, livable, and comfortable becomes a source of pride, especially when they finally sit back to relax and think to themselves, “We did this!”

Programs for Residents at Westside, LA Sober Living

You are in the right place with people who are passionate about helping you. Our sober living homes offer various programs to help you manage your addiction and set you up for success.

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Activities & Things to Do Near Los Angeles

Our sober living program regularly organizes diverse outings in Los Angeles. These activities, essential to our holistic approach, promote community, personal growth, and a fulfilling recovery journey.

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Sober Graduates From Design for Recovery

Graduates often go on to share apartments together, help each other find work, and support each other during times of need. As time passes, residents who get healthy and sober by taking advantage of the experience, strength, and hope of their more experienced mentors eventually emerge as leaders in their own right.

Our graduates are active in the recovery community. They are living proof that recovery is possible for those who are willing to reach out. The community that we foster at Design for Recovery isn’t only a strong bulwark against relapse; it is a source of profound meaning and joy for sober residents and graduates alike.

Frequently Asked Questions on Sober Living House

A sober living home is a safe, substance-free residence for people recovering from addiction. It acts as a transitional housing option, bridging the gap between inpatient facilities and the real world. sober homes, usually located in quiet neighborhoods, help individuals reinforce their rehab lessons. They provide a cost-effective living environment and support sobriety. Sober living homes are peer-managed and expect residents to pursue better health and a substance-free life. They strictly enforce rules, with violations leading to eviction. Rules include signing a contract, attending support group meetings or outpatient treatment, and paying rent. Costs vary based on location and services.

The cost of residing in sober living homes in Westside, LA can vary depending on factors such as the location, type of residence, available amenities, and the nature of the program. Monthly expenses range from $2,000 to $10,000. Some homes provide structure rather than a formal program, reducing costs. Utilities may be included or rationed. Rent is typically charged monthly, without requiring upfront payment. Resources like insurance, grants, sliding scale payments, and payment plans can help cover costs.

The length of stay at sober living houses in Westside, LA are not fixed and can vary depending on the individual’s needs and the rules of the house. However, it is commonly advised to spend a minimum of 90 days in treatment and sober living before reintegrating into society.

Entering a sober living in Westside, LA has numerous benefits for individuals in addiction recovery. These include:

  • Safe and pressure-free living space
  • Supportive environment promoting discipline and sobriety
  • Reinforcement of rehab lessons
  • Bridge between inpatient care and independent living
  • Transition support from treatment to independent life
  • Structured environment for regained stability
  • Distance from triggers and temptations
  • Connection with others in recovery for shared insights
  • Job search/placement assistance
  • Additional counseling
  • Long-term residence option
  • Improved physical and emotional well-being

Some sober living houses in Westside, LA allow pets, while others do not. Pet-friendly homes offer benefits such as healing, joy, discipline, life lessons, unconditional love, and stress reduction. However, rules and regulations regarding pets vary by home, and residents must adhere to them if pets are allowed.

Read Further: Sober Living that Allows Pets

Yes, sober living in Westside, LA does help residents find employment. These homes actively support residents in their job search and employment goals. They may require residents to be actively working or seeking employment while residing in the homes. Many sober living homes offer valuable resources and assistance to residents, such as resume writing, job application support, and skill training. Some homes even provide onsite job opportunities for residents as they transition out of the program. By promoting employment, sober living homes aim to help residents meet their financial responsibilities and develop a sense of accountability.

Visiting rules in a sober living home vary. Some homes may prohibit opposite-sex visitors or any drugs/alcohol. Approval is often required in advance, and curfews must be respected. Overnight guests are generally not allowed. Residents must show respect to housemates and staff. It’s important to inquire about specific visitor rules at each recovery home.

Design For Recovery also organizes regular events during which family members are invited to congregate with house members.

The rules regarding cell phones in sober living houses may vary depending on the specific sober living house. At Design For Recovery, we limit cell phone access for residents in the early days of their recovery. This gives them the opportunity to focus on their present circumstances and the present moment, cultivate real relationships with fellow house members, and look inward.

These policies may not necessarily apply to all sober living homes. Therefore, it’s recommended to ask each potential sober living house what their rules are regarding cell phones.

Westside, LA Sober living homes offer alcohol- and drug-free environments for individuals maintaining abstinence. Expectations include:

  • Safe community for physical, spiritual, and emotional growth with peer support
  • Required sobriety, participation in meetings, and activities
  • Guidelines like curfews, screenings, and respect for others
  • Peer-managed homes supporting sobriety
  • Live-in managers ensuring accountability
  • Supportive community fostering sobriety and personal growth
  • Varying costs and no-cost options available

The house rules for sober living homes in Westside, LA may vary, but here are some common guidelines:

  1. Sobriety: Residents are required to maintain sobriety and abstain from alcohol and drug use while residing in the home.
  2. Meetings and Activities: Active participation in 12-step meetings, counseling sessions, or other recovery-related activities may be expected.
  3. Curfew: There might be a set curfew that residents need to adhere to, ensuring a structured routine and promoting responsibility.
  4. Drug Testing: Random or regular drug testing may be conducted to ensure compliance with the sobriety requirements.
  5. Chores and Responsibilities: Residents may be assigned household chores and responsibilities to maintain cleanliness and a sense of community.
  6. Respect for Others: Mutual respect and consideration for fellow residents’ privacy, boundaries, and recovery journeys are typically emphasized.
  7. Visitors and Guests: Guidelines regarding visitors and guests, such as limitations on visitation hours or prior approval requirements, might be in place.
  8. Financial Obligations: Residents are expected to pay rent and other associated expenses promptly and fulfill financial obligations.
  9. Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and nurturing atmosphere, fostering personal growth, and encouraging peer support and accountability may be part of the house rules.

Staff members also enforce several sober living house rules designed to ensure a safe and healthy environment for residents.

Sober living homes provide a supportive environment for sobriety, offering:

  • Substance-free space for real-world responsibilities
  • Peer support from individuals with similar experiences
  • Community support and encouragement
  • Randomized drug and alcohol screenings
  • Accountability through house rules
  • Job assistance and connections to local employers
  • Possible oversight from treatment providers
  • Bridge between inpatient care and real-world transition
  • Reinforcement of rehab lessons
  • Safe space to develop habits and coping mechanisms

Amenities and services vary by sober living homes, so it’s best to inquire about specific offerings at each potential home.

The success rates of men’s sober living in Westside, LA vary based on individual circumstances and dedication to recovery. However, research has shown that staying in a structured and supportive environment like a men’s transitional living significantly increases the chances of maintaining long-term sobriety compared to going directly back to independent living post-treatment.

Scholarships and financial aid are available for sober living. Options include:

  • Grants for medical and living expenses
  • Financial aid from treatment facilities
  • Government grants from the Sober Living Foundation
  • Healthcare grants for various medical needs
  • No-cost options like halfway house programs
  • State and federal funding, such as SAMHSA grants

Scholarship availability varies by program and location, so inquire about specific options at each sober living program.

Staying in a men’s sober living house long-term offers benefits for recovery:

  • Smooth transition to daily life
  • Ongoing support for lifelong recovery
  • Reduces relapse risk by eliminating substances
  • Eliminates triggers in early sobriety
  • Provides structure and support
  • Increases chances of long-term sobriety
  • Offers job training and preparation

Benefits may vary by individual and program, so inquire about specific long-term benefits at each men’s transitional living house.

Finding the right sober living home can be challenging. Here are tips to help you:

  • Determine your needs: Consider budget, structure, and privacy preferences.
  • Research options: Look for local sober living homes and explore their programs and amenities.
  • Visit and tour facilities: See if they meet your needs during a visit.
  • Consider rules and structure: Look for consistent enforcement and adherence to house rules.
  • Seek peer support: Choose homes with a supportive community of individuals with similar experiences.
  • Look for job training and programs: Consider homes offering programs to aid long-term recovery.

Availability and offerings may vary, so research multiple options and visit facilities to find the best fit for you.

What are You Waiting For?

Areas we serve in California

Get in Touch With Us at Westside Sober Living

We want to help you on your sober living journey.

Start your sober living journey at Design For Recovery’s Westside, LA location. We are a thriving community that is here to help you achieve a lifelong path to recovery.

Stories of Hope & Healing

Hear What Our Alumni Have to Say About Our Community

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What our Alumni
Says about Us

Joshua Tanyan
"Design for Recovery has given me the tools and confidence to embrace my Native American heritage while building a fulfilling life in sobriety."
Read Joshua's Success Story
Joey F.
"I credit Design for Recovery with a huge portion of the responsibility for where I am today, and I'm immensely grateful for the support and guidance they provided."
Read Joey's Success Story
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in Los Angeles, CA

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No matter where your are on your journey – considering sobriety, living sober for years or months already, Our newsletter is here as a guide with helpful resources, events, and more.

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