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David Beasley -
Editorial Staff

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David Beasley

Founder and Sober Living Life Coach

About David Beasley

David Beasley, channels his personal triumph over addiction into empowering others on similar paths. Hailing from North Carolina, his own pursuit of sobriety brought him to California, a journey marked by numerous obstacles and learning experiences.

The turning point for David came through his time in a structured sober living home, which not only played a pivotal role in his recovery but also ignited his drive to aid those in the throes of their own battles with addiction.

Recognizing the need for ethical and principle-based sober living facilities in the Los Angeles area, David established Design for Recovery. His vision was to create a home where core values like honesty, integrity, accountability, and discipline were not just part of the recovery process but essential life skills.

Drawing from his own experiences, he designed a program that resonates with individuals struggling to find their path to recovery.

As a writer and the driving force behind Design for Recovery, David’s work is deeply personal and impactful. His writing reflects his journey, offering both insight and empathy to those grappling with addiction. Through his articles and narratives, David provides more than information; he offers a connection and understanding that many seeking recovery desperately need.

David’s writings emphasize that recovery involves more than just abstaining from substances—it requires a fundamental transformation of behaviors and building a life of value and purpose. His role as a writer extends beyond storytelling; it is about sharing a blueprint for recovery and a message of hope.

Through Design for Recovery, David has created not just a sober living home, but a community and a beacon of hope for those on the journey to sobriety.

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Sober Living Los Angeles

West Los Angeles Sober Living