Sobriety Calculator

You Have Been Sober For


Your Total Days Sober Is


Additional Stats

Money Saved ($)
Money Saved = Total Days Sober x Daily Spending
Drinks Passed
Drinks Passed = Total Days Sober x Drinks Per Day

How long have I been sober?

To calculate how long you have been sober, simply enter the date of your last drink into our sober day counter.

This tool will instantly show you the number of days you’ve been sober, giving you a clear picture of your progress.

Additionally, it will calculate how much money you’ve saved by not drinking, the number of drinks you’ve avoided, and the number of days you’ve regained in your life.

This comprehensive overview helps you see the positive impact of your sobriety, keeping you motivated and committed to your journey towards a healthier, substance-free life.


What is Sobriety date?

A sobriety date is the exact day you commit to staying sober and start your recovery journey.

It can be either the last day you used alcohol or the first full day after.

Most people prefer using the first full day without drinking as their sobriety date, as it marks the start of their new life free from alcohol addiction.

It’s the starting point for tracking your progress in staying away from drugs or alcohol. This date is important because it marks the beginning of your commitment to a sober and healthy life.

Why is tracking sobriety important?

Tracking sobriety helps you stay on track for long-term Recovery. Here's why it matters:


Staying Responsible:

When you track your progress, you hold yourself accountable. It shows how committed you are to staying sober. This accountability is especially helpful during triggers or temptations, as individuals can use their tracker to stay focused on their progress and the importance of staying on track.


Staying Inspired:

Seeing how many days or months you've stayed sober can motivate you to keep going. It's a reminder of the progress you've made and keeps you encouraged.


Seeing Your Progress:

Sobriety trackers can serve as a source of inspiration that lets you see how far you've come. It helps you notice patterns, make smart choices, and visualize your journey to Recovery.


Celebrate Achievements:

Hitting milestones like 30, 60, or 90 days sober is a big deal. Tracking sobriety lets you celebrate your sober anniversary or sober birthday with your support system.


Sharing Progress:

Sobriety date calculators provide a tangible way to share progress with others. You can use the sober calculator to demonstrate your commitment to recovery to family, friends, and support groups. This can help strengthen your relationships and garner support for continued sobriety.

Tracking sobriety is key to successful recovery. It keeps you accountable and motivated and lets you celebrate your progress. With a sobriety tracker, you’re taking charge of your journey to sobriety.


How much does an average person spend on Alcohol?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average American spent an average of $583 on Alcohol in 2022.

With this average expenditure, it’s safe to assume that an average American spends around $50 monthly on alcohol.


How much Alcohol does an average person consume?

In 2021, the average American aged 21 or older consumed 2.83 gallons (10.7 liters) of pure alcohol, which is about 603 standard drinks. A standard drink contains 0.6 ounces of alcohol. 

According to Gallup News, an average American consumes around 7 drinks per week.


Benefits of Becoming Sober

Embracing sobriety offers numerous benefits at each stage. Being sober can help you build better support systems and improve relationships with family and friends.

At 30 days without alcohol, individuals often see improved physical health, better sleep, and increased energy. Mental clarity and emotional stability also begin to emerge.

Extending this to 60 days without alcohol enhances these benefits further, fostering better health, sharper mental focus, and healthier social relationships.

Sobriety solidifies these gains at one year, reducing the risk of serious health issues and providing a deeper sense of personal accomplishment and control. Overcoming addiction through sobriety helps reclaim health, build meaningful connections, and create a brighter future.

With one year of sobriety under your belt, you’re not just reclaiming your health; you’re also nurturing meaningful connections and a brighter future.

Sober Living Home in Los Angeles, California

If you are looking to get sober or are having trouble staying sober after experiencing issues with alcohol, you might consider going to a Sober Living House. Design for Recovery, a structured sober living in Los Angeles, California, offers the ideal environment for individuals seeking to withdraw from drugs and alcohol and build a new life. Residents focus on developing social support systems and new coping strategies to avoid relapse while cultivating qualities like tolerance, patience, discipline, and accountability. If you’re curious about what a day in our sober living house looks like or want to explore sobriety strategies, signs you’re ready to get sober, or what does being sober feels like, call us today!

Reach Out to Us Today

Sober Living Programs at Our Los Angeles Homes

If you're looking for a place where you can get guidance, counsel, and motivation to successfully push through your recovery journey, you are in the right place.


One-on-One ​Mentoring

One-on-one mentoring is a crucial aspect of addiction recovery. Through sponsorship in 12-step programs...


Medication Monitoring

Design for Recovery coordinates with psychiatrists and medical professionals to ensure...


Money Management

Because addiction and its associated lifestyle lead to poor decision-making, many people arrive in sobriety...


Employment Support

Unemployment, precarious employment, and losing a job are all common among people with substance abuse problems...


Family ​Services

No one can get sober alone. Design for Recovery is committed to including family members in the recovery process...


Commitment to Sobriety and Recovery

Finally, it’s vital that all residents have a genuine commitment to sobriety and recovery...

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Our Locations

Design For Recovery - Sober Living Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles
Design For Recovery - Sober Living Mar Vista, West Los Angeles
Design For Recovery - Sober Living Central Los Angeles
Design For Recovery - Sober Living Westside Los Angeles